

GB7DT - Site move complete

By:  Mat - G7FBD

Published: 16/06/2024

GB7DT - Site move

Thanks to Dave G3XOU for assisting, and Andrew M1AEG for hosting the move of GB7DT to its new home location of Roche (IO70OJ). The repeater went live on the 15th of June 2024.

GB3BU - Bude

By:  Mat - G7FBD

Published: 06/06/2024

GB3BU  - Now live

The South West Cluster admin team would like to extend our greetings to the keeper and users of GB3BU located in Bude. The Repeater gives good cover to the area in and around Bude which extends and certainly complements the rest of the cluster. Thanks as always, to the Keeper and the repeaters supporters.

GB7HF - Newton Abbot joins the Cluster

By:  Mat - G7FBD

Published: 26/04/2024

GB7HF Goes live at 11:30 UTC this morning (26/4).

GB7HF Located in Newton Abbot (Devon) went live this morning. Our congratulations to all involved in bringing this repeater on air. Cluster maps are in the process of being updated and will be live later on today.

Welcome GB7TG - Wembworthy

By:  Mat - G7FBD

Published: 20/04/2024

GB7TG Joins the South West Cluster.

GB7TG located in Wembworthy located North West of Exeter. Please see the repeater coverage maps for the repeater frequencies.
Congratulations to all involved in bringing this repeater on air.


By:  Mat - G7FBD

Published: 03/04/2024

GB7PC Goes live.

GB7PC Went live this afternoon (3rd April 2024).

The repeater is located at the the Marconi center at Poldhu.

TR12 7JB. Congratulations to all involved getting the repeater on air. 

By:  Mat - G7FBD

Bye then - GB7LZ

Published: 12/03/2024

At short notice (via a 3rd party), GB7LZ has decided to experiment?? with "Other networks".  As the ADMIN team maintain,  groups can leave when ever they wish, although a direct email to the ADMIN team would be just a polite thing to do! That aside, all the best and thanks for the FISH.

Radio technology is coming home!   Welcome GB7PC

By:  Mat - G7FBD

Published: 19/02/2024

Image (C)RSGB -

GB7PC to join the South West Cluster.

On the 17th Feb 2024 The latest member of the South West Cluster - GB7PC located at the Marconi Centre near Poldhu Cove (IO70IA) was granted an NOV.

The proposed repeater will be operated by the radio club located at the Marconi Centre.

At the moment the team are busy procuring the various components to assemble into this 2m repeater. Once the frequency is confirmed and a launch date has been issued by the team the coverage maps and information section of this site will be updated.

By:  Mat - G7FBD

Published: 24/12/2023



Video introduction to the South West Cluster.

Dave (G3ZXX) has made public his rather good introduction to the South West cluster on his GB3JB Website. Link [HERE].

By:  Mat - G7FBD

Welcome - GB7FB - Bideford. Our latest member

Published: 07/09/2023

Welcome to GB7FB, located in Bideford.

Check the coverage maps for this and other cluster member repeaters. There is also information on their operating frequencies and links to the UK Repeater website where full operating perameters can be found.

As with all our repeaters, a big thank you to all the individuals that are involved with getting repeaters like GB7FB on air.

Published: 21/08/2022

By:  Mat - G7FBD

Something Wonderful: Changes comming to GB7BS/ The Southwest Cluster.

Something Wonderful


The title of this news item may confuse some; much as it has our recent Facebook postings and YouTube viewers.


It was aimed to get peoples attention and raise interest, which may of lead to questions being asked.


Since its concept in 2014, the SouthWest Cluster (SWC) has existed to provide a reliable, simple to use, DMR Network across partner repeaters in the area. Over this time period a few early adopters into the cluster have moved on to other Networks. (This is one of the mantras of the SWC. Groups are encouraged to manage their own repeaters and their own destiny’s). But generally, member repeater numbers have increased.


This has caused us a little, not so well known predicament!


Motorola by design only supports up to 15 devices. One of those is known as the “Master Repeater”. This repeater holds a database of all the SWC Repeater members connected to it, and distributes data to the other repeaters so they learn about each other.


We have grown to 10 repeaters at time of writing this, along with a couple of monitoring units we use to help maintain the cluster, this brings us to 12 units. And we have another two repeaters interested in connecting into the SWC. So we are quickly reaching the magic number of 15.

Mark – G4SDR and I have been working on this ’15 is the max number’ problem for over 2 years; one solution would have cost lots of money. But late last year we became aware of FreeDMR. Since then we have been working with Simon and Jon from FreeDMR here in the UK who have kindly customised their software solution to meet our requirements for the SWC.

We are therefore pleased to announce that armed with our own server, which is running a fully custom build of FreeDMR. We now can break free of the 15 repeater limit. However, this does mean a slight tweak to the internal design of the SWC Network, but the good news for you, the user, nothing will change. No need to re-program radios, nothing.

Compare the old network layout to the new network layout. Keen eyed among you will spot two things. The first thing: GB7BS has been demoted from being the ‘Master’ repeater (That role has been taken over by the server) to being a Peer, just like all other SWC repeaters. 


The second thing: “Dial on demand Talkgroups” on Slot 1 Talkgroup 9 (next to the red line going to the internet). No, this is not a printing mistake; Talkgroup 9 will continue to be your local repeater only Timeslot/Talkgroup, as it does now.


However, one of the “Wonderful Things” that FreeDMR brings to the SWC is a function called “Dial on Demand” Talkgroups.

 Dial on Demand (DoD). How does it work?




Move to Timeslot 1 Talkgroup 9, as you would do normally, but now instead, (this is the tricky bit as it is dependent on the radio you are using)!


You need to go to your Contacts list, and find the ‘Manual Dial Contact’ option or similar.


Then Type in the desired Talkgroup number, such as 2350, then just press the PTT.  No need to select Ok from the menu. Just press the PTT for a second. That’s it!!


If successful, the server will verbally announce “Connected to…” followed by your dialled Talkgroup number. In our example you will hear “Connected to 2350”.


Next time you press your PTT you will be on Talkgroup 2350 and can use the radio as normal. But stations anywhere in the UK listing to Talkgroup 2350 will hear you and can respond.

YES your radio will continue to transmit on Timeslot 1 Talkgroup 9 to the repeater and the repeater will be transmitting on the same Timeslot/Talkgroup back to you, but thanks to the new server your transmission is converted to Talkgroup 2350 and relayed up into the FreeDMR network as 2350.

Anyone tuning to your local repeater while you’re using a dial on demand Talkgroup will hear that Talkgroup, and can join in without having to change any settings on their radio or hunt for the Talkgroup in use.


All we do ask is, once you finish a DoD QSO, Manual dial Talkgroup 4000 and press PTT for a second to Disconnect you. You will hear the message  “Not Linked”


Dialling TG 5000 (PTT) will cause the server to report either the currently dialled and connected Talkgroup number, or simply report  “Not Linked” if no one is using a DoD.


Just a few last things about the new Timeslot 1 Talkgroup 9.


  • While using DoD you’re only tying up your local repeater not the whole SWC.
  • There is no DoD timeout unlike some networks. You want a 50 min QSO you have it.
  • If someone leaves a DoD Talkgroup active (Shame on them) the system will automatically disconnect it after 10 minutes of inactivity.
  • Every 15 minutes you will hear your local repeaters Callsign beacon. This is only on Slot 1 TG9 and in speech.