This web site site has been specifically set up to assist the users and members of the Amateur Radio repeaters who's callsigns are GB3BS, GB7BS or the APRS repeater MB7VV.
We hope that it is also of interest to other Amateur Radio enthusiasts, Short Wave Listeners or anyone interested in Repeaters and or radio communications in general.
We have spent a lot of time time in putting this site together ensuring that the information provided is interesting, factually correct and up-to-date.( we are working on that bit right now). If anyone spots an error or can suggest any improvements then we would of course be interested in hearing from you via our "Contact Us" page.
If you are newly licenced or have never operated through the analogue voice repeater GB3BS, or the digial voice repeater GB7BS then we strongly suggest that you take some time to read through the technical pages on this web site. In particular the section on Operating Characteristics of the repeater you wish to use.. This is under the sub menu entitled "Radio System" for each repeater.
All the pictures and content on this web site and pictures that pertain to the GB3BS Facebook Group are (C)opywrite of and belong to the Bristol 70cms Repeater Group. If anyone wishes to use any of the pictures then all we ask is that you please Ask First and then give us a mention. We can also supply high resolution copies.
Finally, we hope that this web site is useful, interesting, informative, easily understood and an aid to operating and understanding the repeaters GB3BS, GB7BS or the APRS repeater MB7VV. In the not to distant future (we hope) to publish a little information on our Test Repeater GB7BT
And always remember, it's just a hobby!