The Logic System used on MB7VV
MB7VV Logic is from a Polish company called Microsat.
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The WX3IN1 Logic provides the following functions.
This function allows MB7VV to receive APRS packets, decode them, and if not corrupt will then evaluate if the packet received meets the internal filter that evaluates if the packet has enough "hops" left or not. If the packet does, the repeater deducts the hop counter then re-transmits (also known as forwards) the packet. If the packet fails any of the checks, the packet is simply dropped.
• APRS to iGate forwarding:
MB7VV is also connected to the internet, and to a APRS I.S. Gateway. In addition to the above function, the logic can check if the packet received has been heard by any other stations, and if not, it forwards the packet to the internet as well as Digipeating it. This function allows positional information to be forwarded via the "iGATE" to other iGATE systems, and also to service providers such as APRS.FI which use the information to graphically show stations location on a map.
•Weather Station support:
Coming soon (ish).
•Temperature reporting:
Currently the temperature probe is mounted directly to the WX3IN1 unit, so, while reporting temperature, the measurement is actually the ambient temperature around MB7VV and not the outside temperature.
NOT USED is the iGATE to RF (APRS) Gateway. At the moment Ofcom will not allow such a function from an unmanned remote site, although it will allow iGate > RF in an unmanned home location (go figure).