Join the Bristol 70cms Repeater Group or renew membership here.
We now have several ways you can join, renew membership or just make a donation to the repeater group.
Membership is just £10.00 per year.
Due to recent changes to local banking in Bristol and the increases in the percentage PayPal keep from your transactions we would prefer, if possible, all new membership, renewals or donations be made by B.A.C.S.transfer placing your name or callsign in the REFERENCE (account details below). However we can still accept payment by PayPal.
You can also use PayPal to make a credit or debit card payment, even if you do not have a PayPal account.
We are sorry to inform you that payment by cheques can no-longer be accepted, unless pre-arranged with the Repeater Group (use the ‘Contact us’ form if this is the only option available to you).
Lastly, if you prefer, you can also use to make a payment.
Which ever method you use, once payment is made, please progress to the contact us tab and complete the form noting your full name, callsign (if you have one) and email address. In the Message section indicate which method you paid by.
* B.A.C.S. detail:
'Bristol Seventy Centimetres Repeater Group
Sort code: 20-13-34
Account: 20201316
PLEASE NOTE: Membership is based on a yearly subscription (from the date processed). Although we can process advance yearly membership we would discourage this method. At present we DO NOT have a Family membership, or any other concessions. Please also note ALL membership fees and donations are NON refundable. We recommend you do not send cash through the postal system. The Bristol 70cms Repeater Group cannot be held responsible for lost or missing payments. Being listed on our website is conformation of membership. No receipts are issued unless a stamped address envelope has been provided.
Any information/data provided will ONLY be used to mail you our newsletter. Data will be deleted 6 Months after the laps of any membership in line with current G.D.P.R. regulations. Reminders of pending membership laps will be sent via email to an email address you provide one month before the expiration date. It is your responsibility to notify the Bristol 70cms Repeater Group of any changes to your contact details (including email). The repeater group is not responsible for any incorrect contact information.
In line with current G.D.P.R. Rules all informtion is stored on a computer not connected to the internet and is only accessable by one member of the committee. This database is encrypted and no information will be shared to ANYONE. It is up to YOU to provide information to 3rd parties not the repeater group. All data can be removed at any point on written request. We cannot accept email requests, requesting deletion. Records that are removed either by request or by the 6 month rule are permently deleted and cannot be recovered.